eCertify Signatories - Roles and Responsibilities
Modified on Mon, 30 Jul 2012 14:04 by Administrator — Categorized as: eCert Submit, WebDocs
There are three signatory privilege levels in eCertify Express. The levels and their related roles, responsibilities and administration rights are described below.
The first signatory to register their company with a chamber of commerce will, by default, become that company’s System Administrator. This grants the user special privileges which enables the user to:
• Clear a signatory’s Shopping Cart
• Mark a signatory as locked from the system
• Edit another signatory’s details
• Reset a signatory’s password
• Invite signatory’s to become an Authorised Officer either at a chamber the company is currently registered with or a new chamber.
The first signatory to register their company with additional chamber will become the authorised officer for that chamber.This will then enable them to perform the following roles within eCertify Express:-
• Invite another signatory to replace them as the Authorised Officer at the nominated chamber(s)
• Invite another signatory to become an additional signatory with the nominated chamber(s)
• If a shipment is an eCert Webdocs shipment change the signatory of the shipment if it has not yet been submitted to the chamber.
By becoming the authorised officer a signatory is confirming that they agree to the Terms and Conditions of a chamber including:
• That they are the Authorised Officer for the company registering and that the company is either an exporter or freight forwarder.
• That they understand the international rules covering the creation of a Certificate of Origin and will make true and correct declarations to the chamber
• Is responsible for keeping the registration details for their company up to date with the chamber
• Responsible for all the additional signatories within the organisation and the declarations that they make
• Is authorising the chamber to provide any information required by the country of import customs authority that may be required
• If they are no longer acting as the Authorised Officer that they will transfer these responsibilities to another designated person within the company
Note:- The very first person to register with eCertify for your company will become both the System Administrator and the Authorised Officer for the chamber that they have just registered with. If you wish to assign a different person to be the system administrator you may do so once you have been approved to use eCertify.
An additional signatory refers to a signatory who is able to process and pay for shipments but is unable to access features and perform that are available to either the Authorised Officer or System Administrator.