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This search, performed through 1.98 MB (202 documents, 1663 words), completed in 0.3 seconds and yielded 28 results.

Register Exporter-Freight Forwarder Relationships — 6.7%

[...] with a Chamber electronically. If you are a Freight Forwarder, registering your Freight Forwarder and Exporter relationship with a Chamber will allow you to submit on behalf of an Exporter. There are two methods of initiating the Freight Forwarder and Exporter relationship in eCertify: Register the Freight Forwarder and Exporter relationship with a Chamber (no involvement with Exporter) Invite the Exporter [...]

Edit/Update Freight Forwarder and Exporter relationship record — 3.5%

Edit/Update a Freight Forwarder and Exporter relationship record You may edit an existing Freight Forwarder and Exporter relationship record on the Exporters page. Step 1. Search for the Freight Forwarder and Exporter relationship record that you wish to edit. Step 2. Click the editor icon (pencil) in the row of the Freight Forwarder and Exporter relationship record that you wish to edit. NOTE: Only Freight Forwarder and Exporter relationship [...]

Exporter - Freight Forwarder Relationships — 3.2%

[...] page named Freight Forwarders; while Freight Forwarders are presented with a page named Exporters. EXPORTER USING A FREIGHT FORWARDER If you are an exporter using a Freight Forwarder to process trade documents on your company's behalf, this is where you can manage that relationship. From the Menu, select Maintenance – Freight Forwarders. Dependent on your company's current status with the Chamber and eCertify, you will need to approve the relationship according to one of the following processes. Accept the Freight Forwarder Invitation [...]

Registration — 2.6%

Before you can use eCert , you will need to have Registered. Go to the dedicated eCertify page on your Chamber's website. At the bottom of the page click on the Register Here button. Check with your Chamber if you cannot find the eCertify registration page on their website, as they can provide you with the Registration link. Register with your Chamber. Watch the following demonstration which walks you through both the registration and set-up process. Your Details Your email address and password will be used by you to login. This email address will be then [...]

Submitting Webdocs Shipments — 2.6%

Submit eCert WebDocs Shipments to Chambers for Stamping and Approval Once you have created each of the documents that you require for your shipment and all the shipment details are complete, you can submit the shipment to the chamber. Step 1. Click the button marked ‘Submit’ either at the top or bottom of the page from within any of the documents created for your shipment. Step 2. The Submit eCert [...]

Submitting Webdocs Shipments — 2.4%

Submit eCert WebDocs Shipments to Chambers for Stamping and Approval Once you have created each of the documents that you require for your shipment and all the shipment details are complete, you can submit the shipment to the chamber. Step 1. Click the button marked ‘Submit’ either at the top or bottom of the page from within any of the documents created for your shipment. Step 2. The Submit eCert [...]

Invite Exporter to acknowledge an Exporter-Freight Forwarder Relationships — 2.4%

[...] you are a Freight Forwarder approved to use eCertify, and will be processing trade documents on an exporter’s behalf, this is where you can manage that relationship.==== From the Menu Select Maintenance – Exporters INVITING AN EXPORTER TO ALLOW A FREIGHT FORWARDER TO ACT ON THEIR BEHALF ====To invite an exporter to aknowledge and accept you as their Freight Forwarder you must be logged into eCertify as the Authorised Officer of the chamber that you wish to submit documentation [...]

My Details — 2.4%

[...] signature - Edit the details about your company. - Configure a Central Email address if submitting via eCert Direct - Change your submission method - Review the chambers that you are currently registered with or in the process of registering with - Change your preferred language To update your details,select Maintenance – My Details from the menu. Watch the demonstration on the set-up process. Please note, there are three signatory privilege levels in eCertify. Please take a moment to read about the roles, responsibilities and administration rights for each signatory [...]

WebDocs Overview — 2.2%

Welcome to eCert WebDocs WebDocs gives Exporters and Freight Forwarders the ONLINE ability to create, submit and collect trade documents which require Certification by your preferred Chamber(s) of Commerce. Documents provided with eCert WebDocs are:- ====• Non-Prefential Certificate of Origin==== • Certified Declaration of Origin. ====• Commercial Invoice==== • Packing List ====• [...]

Creating Your Documents Online — 1.4%

Create Documents With WebDocs, documents are part of what we call a Shipment. The Shipment contains the Certificate of Origin and supporting export documents that you need your Chamber to certify. WebDocs includes: - An online Non-Preferential Certificate of Origin - An online Packing List - An online Commercial Invoice You can also upload other types as PDF. When you click on Create Shipment to create your documents online, Webdocs presents you with a Shipment Master Header Screen. You enter all of the 'master' [...]

Creating Your Documents Online — 1.4%

Create Documents With WebDocs, documents are part of what we call a Shipment. The Shipment contains the Certificate of Origin and supporting export documents that you need your Chamber to certify. WebDocs includes: - An online Non-Preferential Certificate of Origin - An online Packing List - An online Commercial Invoice You can also upload other types as PDF. When you click on Create Shipment to create your documents online, Webdocs presents you with a Shipment Master Header Screen. You enter all of the 'master' [...]

My Trading Names — 1.4%

[...] multiple company trading names. These trading names can then be selected from a look-up when creating an eCert WebDocs shipment (Creating a WebDocs Shipment). Note:- This menu option is only available if your submission method is eCert WebDocs. Select Maintenance [...]

Creating Your Documents Online — 1.4%

Create Documents With WebDocs, documents are part of what we call a Shipment. The Shipment contains the Certificate of Origin and supporting export documents that you need your Chamber to certify. WebDocs includes: - An online Non-Preferential Certificate of Origin - An online Packing List - An online Commercial Invoice You can also upload other types as PDF. When you click on Create Shipment to create your documents online, Webdocs presents you with a Shipment Master Header Screen. You enter all of the 'master' [...]

Creating Your Documents Online — 1.4%

Create Documents With WebDocs, documents are part of what we call a Shipment. The Shipment contains the Certificate of Origin and supporting export documents that you need your Chamber to certify. WebDocs includes: - An online Non-Preferential Certificate of Origin - An online Packing List - An online Commercial Invoice You can also upload other types as PDF. When you click on Create Shipment to create your documents online, Webdocs presents you with a Shipment Master Header Screen. You enter all of the 'master' [...]

Creating Your Documents Online — 1.4%

Create Documents With WebDocs, documents are part of what we call a Shipment. The Shipment contains the Certificate of Origin and supporting export documents that you need your Chamber to certify. WebDocs includes: - An online Non-Preferential Certificate of Origin - An online Packing List - An online Commercial Invoice You can also upload other types as PDF. When you click on Create Shipment to create your documents online, Webdocs presents you with a Shipment Master Header Screen. You enter all of the 'master' [...]

My Submission Method — 1.3%

[...] your current method, you may change your submission method. The eCertify submission methods are: - eCert Submit - Send PDFs created in Word or Excel documents or from any Non Accredited Software Vendor - eCert WebDocs - WebDocs gives Exporters and Freight Forwarders the ONLINE ability to create, submit and collect trade documents which require Certification by your preferred Chamber of Commerce - eCert [...]

Invite Exporter to acknowledge an Exporter-Freight Forwarder Relationships — 1.0%

Cart Management — 0.6%

Pay for Approved Shipments via the eCert Merchant Facilities Once the Chamber has stamped and approved the submission, it will automatically be added to the cart for the consumer where they are required to make payment via the eCert Merchant Facilities. The consumer has a Central Cart that is visible to all signatories. The Central Cart will display all the shipments that have been accepted manually or automatically by the exporter/freight forwarder signatories and have not been paid yet (ready for the payment [...]

Edit and Duplicate Shipments — 0.5%

Edit Shipments You may edit an eCert WebDocs shipment from either the Pending Shipments or Processed Shipments Screens. Step 1. Click the editor icon (pencil) in the row of the shipment that you wish to edit. Step 2. The Shipment Header for the shipment will be displayed. Step 3. You can then edit each document by choosing that document from the menu and following the same steps as when you originally created the shipment Resubmit Shipments After editing a submitted shipment, you may resubmit the same by clicking the blue arrow. [...]

Pending Shipments — 0.5%

[...] of - New - Submitted - Rejected by Chamber The criteria you can search by are:- - Status - Chamber - Exporter Reference - Signatory - Certificate Number - Invoice Number - Date Created from and to (defaults to 30 days ago in the From) - Date Submitted from and to - Submission type Enter the information you wish to search by and click ‘Search’. For instance, if you wish to view all Pending Shipments for your company, you would select all from the Signatory drop down and click ‘Search’ button. Delete a Shipment that has not been Submitted to the Chamber If a shipment [...]

Signatories — 0.5%

[...] are currently registered with you can suspend their registration so that they are no longer able to submit shipments to a particular chamber. ====Note:- If a Signatory needs to be suspended with multiple chambers you will need to repeat this process for each chamber.==== Step 1. Click on the icon against the relevant signatory for the relevant chamber. ==== Step 2. Click on the OK button to confirm you do wish to suspend this signatory.A confirmation message is displayed and the status of the signatory is changed from Approved to Suspended.An email is also sent to [...]

Freight Forwarder/Agent Registration — 0.5%

Freight Forwarders/Agents can use eCert to submit documents on behalf of exporters: 1. Register, selecting the option "I am a Freight Forwarder/Agent" You will be issued with a Company Reference which you provide to the Exporters you represent - they will need to register as well, and use the reference when they register (see here ). 2. Once logged in, set [...]

Using a Freight Forwarder/Agent — 0.3%

[...] using Freight Forwarders/Agents still need to Register . When you are registering, select the "I am an Exporter who uses a Freight Forwarder/Agent" option: You must now enter the eCert [...]

How To Convert a Certificate of Origin to a Certified Declaration — 0.3%

[...] Certified Declaration of Origin by following the steps below: • Click on the Shipment Master link in the Webdocs menu • Find the section labeled Certificate of Origin \ Certified Declaration of Origin on the page • From the Drop down list, select CO9 - Certified Declaration of Origin • Save the page • Click on Certificate of Origin link in the Webdocs [...]

How to Create and Submit a Shipment — 0.3%


eCert Member Registration — 0.3%


Payments in Progress — 0.2%

[...] progress are completed. NOTE : NOTE: The Merchant Fee is a handling fee that will be passed on to the Exporter or Freight Forwarder to offset the charge [...]

Processed Shipments — 0.2%

[...] the search panel at the top of the page. The criteria you can search by are:- - Status - Chamber - Exporter Reference - Signatory - Certificate Number - [...]

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