
Modified on Thu, 03 Aug 2017 02:42 by Administrator — Categorized as: eCert Chamber, eCert Submit, WebDocs

Welcome to eCertify Help

This is where you will find comprehensive answers to your questions, audio-visual demonstrations and tips on everything you need to know about using eCertify to process electronic Certificates of Origin.

eCertify is a user-friendly online system for the certifying export documents by Chambers of Commerce. To learn how to electronically create, submit and receive certified export documents using your preferred method of submission, please click on the links below:

Set-up and Use

Before you can use eCertify, you will need to register and set up your user profile within My Details. Watch the following demonstration on the Set-up process.

Discover how to create, submit and collect trade documents online using your Chambers website. Go to eCert WebDocs Overview

Discover how to process PDF trade documents for electronic stamping and signing by your Chamber. Go to eCert Submit Overview

Discover how to pay for and collect PDF trade documents that you have submitted using accredited vendor software for electronic stamping and signing by your Chamber. Go to eCert Direct Overview