Creating a new submission

Modified on Thu, 24 Aug 2017 08:12 by Administrator — Categorized as: Uncategorized

Create a Non-Preferential eCert Submit

Step 1. Click the My Shipments >> Create eCert Submit link.


Step 2. Enter the details of the submission.


Step 2 A. Select the chamber that you intend to submit the documents to by selecting it from the 'Submit to' drop down box.

NOTE: If the selected Chamber allows the exporter/freight forwarder to request that the submission be manually processed, the 'Request Manual Approval of Documents (Wet Stamps) checkbox will appear.


To request that the documents be processed and approved manually (wet stamps), please tick the 'Request Manual Approval of Documents (Wet Stamps) checkbox.

Step 2 B. Enter the exporter reference number to identify your submission within the 'Exporter Reference' field.

Step 2 C. Select the destination country of the submission by selecting it from the 'Country Destination' drop down box.

Step 2 D. Select the type of certificate that will be included in this submission by selecting it from the 'Submission' Type drop down box.

NOTE: The option available in the 'Submission' Type drop down box depends on the type of certificate that is accepted by the Chamber selected in Step 2A.

To create a Non-Preferential submission, please select 'Non-Preferential' from the 'Submission' Type drop down box and continue.
To create a Preferential submission, please refer to Create a Preferential Submission via eCert Submit section below.

Step 2 E. Click the Browse button to select and upload the documents that you intend to submit for approval by the Chamber selected in Step 2A.

NOTE: Ensure that the documents are in PDF format, portrait in orientation and saved without password protection.

To help exporters and freight forwarders, eCertify has created editable PDF documents for the Certificate of Origin and the Certified Declaration of Origin. These preferential and non-preferential certificates are accessible either by clicking the 'HERE' hyperlink (in the green box) displayed on the 'Create New eCert Submit' page OR Click Here to download the editable PDF documents.

Step 2 F. Enter specific notes or instructions (if any) for the Chamber within the 'Notes to Chamber' field (e.g. date that should to appear on the documents).

Step 3. Click 'Submit' button located at the bottom or top of the page if you wish to send the documents to the Chamber selected in Step 2A.


NOTE: Alternatively, you may save the document and send it at a later stage. By doing this, the system will not generate the certificate number for the document. The system will generate a unique certificate number for the document only when you submit it. On submission, the system will generate a certificate number in ECXXXXXXXXX format (EC as prefix followed by 9 number digits). For instance, EC123456789.

Step 4. Click OK to confirm that the documents should be submitted to the Chamber. Click Cancel if you do not wish to submit at this time. If you do not wish to send the submission to the chamber, you can click on the save button to save the submission. You can then edit and send the submission at a later date (see Edit and Duplicate Shipments)

Once the documents have been submitted to the Chamber for approval, the system will navigate you to My Shipment >> Pending Shipments page. For more details of the Pending Shipments page, please Click Here.

Create a Preferential eCert Submit

A Preferential Certificate is certificate used when a Free Trade Agreement exists between the country of origin of the submission and the country of destination.

NOTE: Your chamber will need to be setup to process Preferentital certificates of origin using eCertify. Please contact eCertify should you require your chamber to process preferential certificates of origin.

The process to submit a preferential document using eCert Submit is identical to that of submitting a non-preferential document, except Step 2D where you will need to select the type of Preferential Submission that applies from the dropdown list. If you select to submit AANZFTA/ NZCHINAFTA certificates to the New Zealand Chamber, the certificate number will be in the format as regulated by the New Zealand Customs. If the preferential type is not available in the list, please contact your chamber and advise them as they need to be set up for this preferential type.

Click Here to download the editable PDF documents.

You may also be required to adhere to a document layout specified by your Chamber. Please consult your Chamber on the format required. If you would rather use eCert WebDocs to create your documents online, you simply need to change the Submission Method setting in My Details.