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Certificate of Origin Setup


The Certificate of Origin provided in WebDocs requires you to set up images and text that are specific to your Chamber. You can setup this information in this section. Please note:- you will need to upload chamber stamps and other information using the Stamps section and layout these on standard templates within the Layouts section:

1. Title of Origin: Generally "CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN"

2. Title 1: Generally the name of your Chamber or Umbrella Body endorsement.

3. Chamber Logo - Left: An image of your Chamber Logo (or Umbrella Body endorsement).

4. Address 1: Generally the name of your Chamber or Umbrella Body endorsement.

5. Description: Set the text displayed in the bottom of the title block of the Certificate of Origin.

6. Main Declaration Left: The declaration made by the Member (Exporter). For example: I declare that I am the person named above, acting in the capacity indicated; that the description and other particulars of the merchandise specified above are correct as set forth in this certificate; that the said merchandise was produced or manufactured in the insular possession named above, and from the materials grown, produced, or manufactured in the insular possession also named above, or of the United States, or of both; that if foreign materials were used therein, their description and value are shown above.

7. Place of Manufacture: Optional - default place of manufacture. Minor Declaration: Optional - minor declaration.

8. Title 2: Generally the name of your Chamber or Umbrella Body endorsement.

9. Chamber Logo - Right: An image of your Chamber Logo (or Umbrella Body endorsement).

10. Address 2: Generally the name of your Chamber or Umbrella Body endorsement.

11. Main Declaration Right: The declaration made by you, the Chamber. For example: The , a recognized Chamber of Commerce under the laws of the State of , has examined the manufacturer’s invoice or shipper’s affidavit concerning the origin of the merchandise and, according to the best of its knowledge and belief, finds the products named originated in the United States of America, (North America).

NOTE:- If required either the left side configuration or the right side configuration may be left blank if this is not required by your chamber.
Image Format Details


Wherever you see the
icon it means that there is some hover text available to provide a 'tooltip' on what this item refers to and why it's required.


This example would be displayed in eCert Webdocs as per image below. This configuration would also be applied to each Non-Preferential Certificate of Origin editable PDF created by eCertify.


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