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eCert Chamber Help

Cart Management

Pay the eCertify Fee

Where either the Chamber is operating under Chamber Pays Using PayPal or the Chamber wishes to manually invoice a member, it will be required to pay the eCertify Fee before the documents are released to the member.

The following processing will occur:-

- If the Chamber is configured to use Auto Accept, the submission will be added to the Chamber’s Central Cart.

- If the Chamber is configured to not to use Auto Accept, the submission will be added to the Chamber’s Central Cart.

- If the Chamber is set to Member Pays (with or without auto accept), the submission will be added to the Member’s Central Cart.

- If the member is set to manual invoicing on the preferential type, the submission will be added to the Chamber’s Central Cart.

- If the member is set to manual invoicing on the non- preferential type, the submission will be added to the Member’s Central Cart.

Once the Chamber has stamped and approved the submission, the submission will automatically be added to the cart to be paid for via the eCert Merchant Facilities.The Chamber has a Central Cart that is visible to all signatories. The Central Cart will display all the shipments that have not been paid yet (ready for the payment to be made).

Review and Pay for the Items Currently in the Cart

eCertify provides a cart indicator that shows the number of submissions that are currently in the cart awaiting payment. As each submission is added to the Chamber Cart, the count next to the cart icon will be increased.

To view the submissions lined up in the cart awaiting payment, click the Cart icon, on the top right hand corner of the screen.


Step 1. Click the Cart icon to display the Submissions awaiting payment in the cart. The Cart view window opens up displaying the details of the submissions awaiting payment.


Step 2. By default, all the cart items are automatically selected for payment. If you do not wish to pay for a particular certificate, you can uncheck (un-tick) the checkbox next to the certificate number. You can also click the certificate number to display that certificate in Processed Submissions.


Step 3. Click Pay Now.


Step 4. This will take you to the PayPal website to make the payment. For any assistance in completing the PayPal payment process, you can contact PayPal for advice.


Step 5. Once the Payment has been completed, an email will be sent to the exporter/freight forwarder with their stamped document(s) attached.


Step 6. While making payment for selected submissions in PayPal, if you close your browser or if your site crashes this will leave the selected submissions locked in your Cart.

Step 7. When you log back into eCertify the system will display a message at the top of each screen that you have Payments in Progress that you need to complete.


Step 8. Click the Cart Icon to display the Submissions that are Pending Payment in the cart.


Step 9. The submissions that you were paying for will be highlighted in the Payments in Progress section. Any submissions that have subsequently been stamped by the chamber will be displayed but will not be available for selection.

Step 10. You can either:-

- Remove individual submissions pending payment by clicking Remove.

- Remove all submissions pending payment by clicking Remove All.

- Make payment for the submissions by clicking Pay Now.

- Clicking Remove or Remove All will return the submissions back to the Chamber Cart and make them available again for any chamber signatory to make payment.

Step 11. Clicking ‘Pay Now’ will take you to PayPal. For any assistance in completing the PayPal payment process, contact PayPal for advice.

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