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Positioning stamps on a Layout


Step 1.Expand the list of document types under the layout that you wish to position stamps on. If required click on the + to expand the tree, and click on the document type you wish to position the stamps onto.


The Preview Document that you selected when creating the layout will be displayed on the right hand side of the screen as per the image below.

Step 2.Click on Add Stamp.


Step 3.Click on the Stamp you wish to place onto the layout. Review if you want this stamp to appear on all pages, odd pages, even pages, first page or last page only. You can also choose to apply a page range on a stamp. For example, if a Certificate Number stamp needs to appear on the odd pages, but the positioning of the stamp is different between each page, then the page range facility can be used.When adding a stamp to a layout you will have the option of selecting page range from the Pages Dropdown.


Once you have selected Page Range you can then specify the From and To Page number range.


Select the Default checkbox if you wish for this stamp to be selected by default each time you stamp a document set. If you do not tick the Default checkbox this stamp will not be placed on the document by default but may be selected at the time of stamping.See Processing a New Submission for more information.

Step 4.Click on Add Stamp.


Step 5.Position the stamp on the document layout. Use your mouse to position the stamp by clicking the left mouse button on the stamp, holding it and dragging the mouse cursor and stamp to the position where you would like it to appear on a stamped document.


Step 6.Repeat Steps 2 – 5 for each stamp you wish to place on the document template.

Note:-For signature stamps you will need to place each Signatory's signature on top of each other. The signatory will only be able to stamp documents with their own signature.

If you need to change your selection for the pages the stamp will appear on, hover your mouse over the stamp and a small blue icon will appear in the bottom left corner.

Click on the icon at the bottom left of the stamp to display the page options menu.You are also able to choose page range from the menu once applied to the layout by clicking on the menu button. You can also revisit whether the stamp should be selected by default. Clicking on the Red X will delete the stamp from the layout.


Step 7.You can preview how a stamped document would look by clicking on the preview button in the top right corner of the screen.

Step 8.Save the Layout before you move onto the next Document Type by clicking on the save Layout button.

Step 9.Repeat above steps for each document type within the defined layout.

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